Fundraising campaigns are a lifeline for many charities. Yet in uncertain times it can be hard to test interest from donors. Here’s how you can still do it.

How’s the sales pipeline looking for your business?
Do you have a steady stream of potential customers to work through, or is it more of a trickle?
If you constantly find yourself having to down tools and head off in search of new leads, you may need to put some work into building your pipeline.
We’ll share just how valuable a hot sales pipeline can be for your business and show you one of the easiest ways to start building it.

Lockdown restrictions are no joke. Those businesses able to trade, including real estate, must find new ways, as previous successful marketing tactics are thrown out the window. You may be thinking this not time to drive the business forward. But that is where you are wrong. Read on and we will share a powerful initiative you can deploy in level 3 and 4. Right now, may be the perfect time to market your business.

Our investment in hiring local businesspeople to do lead generation has paid off time and time again when undertaking campaigns for the technology sector.

This is a time we have not experienced before and we are facing our own unique challenges, but Kiwis are resourceful by nature – tap into your can-do and make the best of the now.

Brendan Drury, Orbit World Travel’s Managing Director said: “From my perspective, the difference between using Hot Leads and our results from the previous two to three years is like comparing night and day.”

We loved working with Master Plumbers and were delighted to be behind boosting their membership numbers, even if we stretched the capacity of their sales team. Sorry – not sorry!

“It would be fair to say that we were very surprised by the level of engagement,” said Margaret Dawson, Operations Manager for Master Plumbers, “and probably a bit under-prepared for it!”

If you’d like to read more about the Master Plumbers campaign, then check out this case study.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced sales or marketing manager looking for new tips to boost your campaign outcomes, or you’re just exploring the possibilities for your business and want to understand the process.

Either way, we’ve got you covered. Because one thing is for certain – when you download and read our FREE eBook you’ll improve your know-how.

We recently had a chance to help New Zealand’s Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation. Like most NFPs, they need to be sure every marketing initiative is targeted and cost effective. In the end, one in every four organisations that registered for Pink for a Day came from the people we called.

We ran two 40-hour Team Davis campaigns, generated 27 qualified appointments, and identified a significant number of ‘warm’ leads for Team Davis to nurture and as Steve said, we grew their marketing list. Shows you the importance of a hot pipeline!